The Sioux City Community School District values academic integrity as a cornerstone of our educational community. We believe that honesty, respect, and responsibility are essential qualities for the development of successful and ethical individuals. Academic integrity ensures a fair and supportive learning environment for all students.
Definition of Academic Integrity
Academic integrity is the commitment to honesty and ethical behavior in all aspects of learning and scholarship. It involves the acknowledgment of sources, the proper use of information, and the independent creation of one's work.
Ethical Use of AI-Generated Content
The District is committed to using AI technologies in an ethical, transparent, and responsible manner. The District acknowledges that AI technologies have the potential to significantly enhance student learning and engagement but also recognizes the limitations with AI-generated content including issues with credibility, reliability, and the potential for AI to perpetuate bias and discrimination. When permitting the use of AI-generated content, teachers will instruct students on the importance of critically evaluating the reliability, credibility, and potential biases of the information. AI-generated material should be used as a prompt for inspiration or guidance rather than a replacement for critical thinking and analysis.
Academic Integrity Expectations
1 - Honesty: Students are expected to complete assignments, exams, and projects with honesty, integrity, and originality. All work submitted must be the product of the student's own effort and understanding unless explicitly allowed by the teacher.
2 - Citation and Attribution: Proper citation and attribution of sources are essential, including permitted AI-generated source content. Students must provide accurate references for all sources used in their work, including written assignments, presentations, and research projects.
3 - Collaboration: Collaboration is encouraged under the guidelines set by the teacher. Students should always seek permission before working together on assignments or projects. Unauthorized collaboration, such as copying from peers or sharing solutions during exams, is strictly prohibited.
4- Plagiarism and AI-Generated Content: Students are expected to critically analyze their information resources and produce original work that reflects their own thoughts, analysis, and understanding of the subject matter while avoiding plagiarism. Plagiarism is defined as presenting someone else's work, ideas, or intellectual property as one's own without proper attribution. Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to:
Copying and pasting from sources without citation, paraphrasing without giving credit, and submitting work completed by someone else.
Submitting essays, papers, or any other academic work that has been wholly generated by AI.
Using permitted AI-generated content within essays, papers, or any other academic work without proper attribution.
Using AI-generated content beyond ethical parameters and acceptable use guidelines established by the classroom teacher.
Properly citing and acknowledging sources is the best way to avoid plagiarism.
5 - Unauthorized Aids: During assessments, students are not allowed to use any aids, such as notes, textbooks, or electronic devices, unless explicitly permitted by the teacher.
Violating any of these articulated expectations shall constitute academic misconduct by the student and may subject the student to the consequences identified in this policy.
Consequences for Academic Misconduct are outlined in the Student Code of Conduct section of the parent/student handbook.
Academic Misconduct Prevention & Education
School Leadership: School leadership will provide teachers with resources, tools, guidance, and support for implementation of this policy.
Teacher Guidance: Teachers will educate students about academic integrity at the beginning of each academic year and provide ongoing guidance on proper citation, research, and ethical conduct.
Student Workshops: Periodic workshops on academic integrity will be offered to students to enhance their understanding of ethical practices and improve their research and writing skills.
Parental Involvement: Parents will be informed about the school's academic integrity policy and encouraged to support their child's understanding and adherence to ethical practices.
By adhering to this Academic Integrity Policy, the Sioux City Community School District aims to foster a culture of honesty, respect, and responsibility that prepares students for success in their academic pursuits and beyond.