National Association for Gifted Children

Enriching Education for Gifted Learners
The Sioux City Community School District utilizes the K-5 Talent Development Model, which places an emphasis on collaborative decision making by the classroom instructor and enrichment specialist to meet the diverse needs of learners. Under this model, students will be challenged every day in their classroom, as well as with their time with the enrichment specialist.
TAG Program Mission
Supporting the philosophy and mission of the Sioux City Community School District, and in recognition of the differentiated needs of gifted learners, the Talented and Gifted Department will provide opportunities to:
Broaden and extend the learning process of gifted learners through a continuum of services available in all grade levels.
Support the social/emotional needs of gifted learners.
Support a qualitatively differentiated curriculum commensurate with the unique learning needs of gifted learners.
Support gifted learners as they become self-directed, life-long learners through the acquisition of skills in taking initiative, diagnosing needs, establishing goals, identifying resources, implementing strategies, and evaluating outcomes.
TAG Program Vision
Gifted learners will work toward achieving their full potential through self-directed learning and challenging opportunities provided by the Sioux City Community School District.
Identification of TAG Students
Iowa Code: 257.44 Definition of Talented and Gifted Students
1. “Gifted and talented children” are those children who are identified as possessing outstanding abilities and who are capable of high performance. Gifted and talented children are children who require appropriate instruction and education services commensurate with their abilities beyond those provided by the regular school program.
2. Gifted and talented children include those children with demonstrated achievement or potential ability, or both in any of the following areas or in combination: a) General intellectual ability b) Creative thinking c) Leadership ability d) Visual and performing arts ability e) Specific ability aptitude
SCCSD Identification Process
Nomination or District-wide screening will occur at the end of 2nd grade and 5th grade.
The screening will identify students for whom additional data will be collected.
The screening will include all 2nd-grade and 5th-grade students who:
Had standard marks of 5 or 6 for 2 consecutive reporting periods in either math or reading.
Scored at the 80 percentile or above on the Iowa Assessments in math or reading.
Scored in the top 20% of subgroup assessment scores.
Students who meet any of these criteria will be referred to take the Cognitive Abilities Test. Additional Checklist information will be completed by parents and teachers.
Data will be analyzed by a committee to determine eligibility.
Students who meet the following criteria will be considered for talented and gifted services:
Scores of 125 or above on CogAT or
Scores of 95 percentile or above on Iowa Assessment in reading or math or
Subgroup scores in the top 5% and
Motivation score of 29+ and
Gifted Characteristics 50+ and
Parent Checklist of 75%+
4 out of 7 criteria with the committee recommendation
A Personalized Education Plan will be written for students who require Talented and Gifted Services. The plan will be reviewed annually by the TAG Specialist, principal or school counselor, general education teacher, and parent.
TAG Learning Resources
Talented & Gifted FAQs
The staff members of the Sioux City Community School District remain committed to providing you with a thorough understanding of the quality services provided to Talented and Gifted (TAG) students.
Below, you will find answers to frequently asked questions about the TAG program. You can submit additional questions using: Let’s Talk.