What is the Purpose of Committee Work?
School Board and community and advisory committees exist to help guide the District’s actions. By dividing committees into multiple categories, Board members, District leaders, and community members alike delve into the Districts’ governing matters in greater detail than what is possible in bi-weekly Board meetings.
As such, board members are better prepared for board meetings, and these committees ultimately improve the quality of board decision making.
Below is a list of the Board Committees and community and advisory committees in place in the Sioux City Community School District and a brief description of the scope of their work.
Standing Committees of the Board
Board Finance & Facilities Committee
The Board Finance and Facilities Committee is charged with reviewing financial and facility planning policies and major expenditures for the district before they are brought to the school board. The Board Finance and Facilities committee is comprised of Board President Jan George, Board Director Dan Greenwell, Board Director John Meyers, Superintendent Dr. Rod Earleywine, Chief Financial Officer Patty Blankenship, and other district team members as needed. Meetings are held at 3:00 p.m. in the Board Room of the Educational Service Center on the first and third Monday of each month.
Board Policy Committee
The purpose of the Board Policy Committee is to provide feedback to the Board of Directors in regard to how the implementation of the proposed policy would impact daily practice across the District and community. This feedback may result in suggested revisions to the proposed policy. This committee is comprised of Board Vice President Treyla Lee, Board Director Bob Michaelson, Board Director Earl Miller, Superintendent Dr. Rod Earleywine, School Board Secretary Seaniece Heilman, and cabinet members as necessary. Meetings are held at 3:30 pm in the Board Room of the Educational Service Center on the third Tuesday of each month.
Board Student Achievement Committee
The Board Student Achievement Committee reviews progress on the Board’s student achievement goals, as well as studies issues and hears presentations on student achievement prior to having them placed on the Board meeting agendas. This committee is comprised of Board President Jan George, Board Director Lance Ehmcke, Board Director Bob Michaelson, Superintendent Dr. Rod Earleywine, and Associate Superintendent Angela Bemus. Meetings will be held at 12:00 pm in the Board Room of the Educational Service Center on the first and third Wednesdays of each month.
Community & Advisory Committees
Sales Tax Finance Oversight Committee
The Sales Tax Finance Oversight Committee works to ensure fiscal responsibility of the district’s use of the sales tax revenue received by the District and expenditures paid for Board of Education approved projects. The committee also prepares cash flow analysis, which is used to make a recommendation to the Board of Education on cash flow requirements. This committee is comprised of citizens, Board Director John Meyers, Superintendent Dr. Rod Earleywine, and Chief Financial Officer Patty Blankenship. All meetings are held from 8-9 a.m. in the Board Room of the Educational Service Center on the fourth Monday of each quarter.
School Improvement Advisory Committee (SIAC)
This committee is a vehicle through which the community, students, parents, and school staff can work together to identify and recommend solutions to problems facing our District’s school system. The committee is comprised of board-appointed citizens, students, Board Director Earl Miller, Superintendent Dr. Rod Earleywine, Associate Superintendent Angela Bemus, Director of Communications Leslie Heying, and other district team members. Upcoming meetings are scheduled on February 20, 2025, and April 10, 2025 at 5:15 pm in the Board Room of the Educational Service Center.
Building Oversight Committee
The Building Oversight Committee reviews the plans and specifications of new buildings and building additions; makes recommendations on the value for resources spent and maintains cost efficiency on projects. This committee is comprised of Board Director Lance Ehmcke, Superintendent Dr. Rod Earleywine, Director of Operations and Maintenance Tim Paul, Troy Thomas, and a group of 13 board-appointed citizens. This committee meets monthly at 4:00 pm when necessary. Location varies.
Preschool Initiative Oversight Committee
The Preschool Initiative Oversight Committee is comprised of citizens who have an interest in early childhood. The committee supports and advises the preschool administrator in implementing the statewide voluntary preschool program. Meetings are held from 1:30-2:30 p.m. via Zoom. Contact Amber Hannah for more information.