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Any parent, student, or other reporter will report any suspected incident of abuse of a student by an employee of the District to the individual’s immediate supervisor. This report should be filed as soon as abuse is suspected to provide an adequate investigation. The building administrator will provide the reporter with a “Complaint of Injury or Abuse of a Student by a School Employee” form upon request. This form must be filled out completely and returned to the director of human resources within twenty-four hours of receipt of the form from the building administrator. All building administrators are trained Level I investigators. They may be contacted via the main building phone number, or you may contact Dr. Dora Jung at 712-279-6075 or the director of Human Resources at 712-279-6692.

All licensed school employees, certified para-educators, holders of coaching authorizations, and school employees who are eighteen years of age or older are mandatory reporters under Iowa law and, therefore, are required to report suspected incidents of child abuse to the Department of Health and Human Services when, in the scope of their professional practice or their employment responsibilities, they examine, attend, counsel, or treat a child and reasonably believe the child has suffered abuse.  Any other District employee who believes a child has been abused may, and is encouraged to, make a report.  A school employee who is a mandatory reporter within the scope of their employment is a permissive reporter when acting outside the scope of their profession or employment.