A nurse will be provided to each building to follow through on a health program which includes vision screening, hearing tests, immunizations, and personal hygiene. Parents are invited to call for conferences with the nurse on any health problem a student may have.
Bloodborne Pathogens
The Occupational Safety and Health Association (OSHA) has requirements that if a child has an injury that causes blood to be visible on clothing, the clothing must be changed before the child is readmitted to class. Therefore, the school nurse or the secretary may call the parent or guardian to bring a change of clothing to school for the student. Many times the injury is not serious, such as a nosebleed, but can cause blood on clothing.
Head Lice
Any student who has been identified with live lice will be allowed to stay in school for the remainder of the school day though treatment should be started before returning to school the next day. The student will continue to participate in regular classroom and academic programming.
State law requires a certificate of immunization against diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, poliomyelitis, pneumonia, Hepatitis B, varicella and rubella. A temporary “provisional” certificate is available for students who have at least started the immunization series. Contact the school nurse regarding specific details of the state law. Students entering grades seven and twelve also require the meningococcal vaccine.
Student Injury and Illness at School
When warranted, school personnel will notify the student’s legal guardian when the student becomes ill or injured at school or school-sponsored events. Thus, it is important that the school have accurate contact information. The District, while not responsible for medical treatment, transportation or medical expense of an ill or injured student, will have employees present to administer emergency or minor first aid if possible. As quickly as possible, an ill or injured child will be turned over to the care of his/her legal guardian(s) or alternate contact(s), or qualified medical employee(s) or emergency medical services.
Students who become ill or injured at school will be evaluated by their present complaint, history of symptoms, temperature (if indicated), and present outward appearance. If warranted, a decision will be made by the building administrator or designated personnel to do one or more of the following:
Activate Building Emergency Response Team (BERT).
Call 911.
Notify school nurse.
Refer to Sioux City Community School District’s Procedures for Emergency Care Chart.
Allow the student to rest in the health office for a brief period.
Return the student to classroom instruction if feasible.
Review student information and/or Student Health Care Plan, if available, for health history and preferred treatment.
Notify the student’s legal guardian(s) or alternate contact(s) of illnesses or injuries which appear to require close observation or medical attention. Log students’ visits to the health office. The log is confidential.
Student Medication Administration
Emergency and non-emergency medication shall be administered when the student’s legal guardian and prescribing physician annually provides a signed and dated written statement requesting medication administration at school, and the medication is in the original labeled container, either as dispensed or in the manufacturer’s container. When administration of the medication requires ongoing professional health judgment, an individual health plan shall be developed by an authorized practitioner with the student and the student’s parent/guardian.
Students who have demonstrated competency in administering their own medication may self-administer their medication with written authorization from their legal guardian and prescribing physician. By law, students with asthma or other diseases may self-administer their medication upon approval of their parents/guardians and prescribing physician regardless of their competency. Other persons administering medication at school may include the licensed registered nurse, parent, physician, physician assistant, and persons who have successfully completed a medication administration course or be an authorized practitioner, including parents/guardians. District employees may administer medication if they have completed a medication administration training course conducted by a licensed registered nurse. A written medication administration record must be on file at the school. Please see school board policy AR504.12 Student Medicine Administration for more information regarding administering medications or healthcare tasks on field trips and during school activities.
Medication shall be stored in a locked cabinet in a secured, appropriate area. Access to keys to the locked cabinet should be limited to the school nurse, principal, and authorized staff. Under no circumstances will students have access to medication storage keys.