If you love the idea of working with crops, animals, and resources that contribute to the worldwide food supply, pursuing a career in agriculture could provide you with a rewarding and fulfilling future.
Pathway Description
The Agriculture pathway will give students a broad agriculture knowledge base and entry-level skills in crop production, livestock management, and agribusiness. Students will gain relevant, hands-on experience through a combination of classroom instruction, field trips, and lab experiences. There is a definite need for individuals with this knowledge in the local area, state, and nation since agriculture and agriculture-related careers employ about 25 percent of the labor force in the United States.
Key Competencies
Describe career opportunities in the animal industry
Describe how animals use nutrients
Name and describe the functions of the major animal body systems
Explain the importance of livestock nutrition
Assess opportunities in exotic animal production
Define the agri-food industry
Describe the role of science in livestock production
Describe food processing and production methods
Identify Career paths/occupations in agriculture and related industries
Discuss and analyze employment outlook in agriculture and related industries
Make informed career decisions
Draw a soil map
Identify different insecticides and herbicides
Identify plant diseases
View the High School Course Guide for an in-depth look at the courses outlined below.
High School Credits:
900L Introduction to AFNR – CASE 2
900M Wildlife Ecology 2
96D0A Survey of the Animal Industry 1
96D1B Career Seminar 1
96D2A Principles of Agronomy 1
96D3B Foods of Animal Origin 1
Total College Credits: 11
Annual National Average Salary for Entry Level Agriculture Worker: $45,000
Career Opportunities
Food Scientist and Technologies
Farm Labor Contractors
Aquacultural Manager
Buyer/Purchasing Agent, Farm Products
Farm and Ranch Managers
Animal Scientist
Animal Breeders